• Job Vacancies

Job Vacancies

Date : April 27, 2023


Mai hamutuk ho ami nia ekipa! Ami loke vaga ba pozisaun tolu. Se ita iha esperiénsia no interese hala’o serbisu nu’udar Xofér, Asistente Administrativa, ka asistente serbisu uma-laran, no iha paixaun ba fornese serbisu ho exelente, ami hakarak rona husi ita. Aplika agora! 

Hakarak hatene liután kona-ba ami nia vaga no oinsá aplika iha ne’e: https://tl.usembassy.gov/embassy/jobs/. Misaun EUA fornese oportunidade iguál no justu no tratamentu ne’ebé hanesan ba iha prosesu serbisu ba ema hothotu la haree ba raxa, kór, relijiaun, seksu, orijén nasionál, idade, defisiénsia, afiliasaun polítika, estadu sivíl, ka orientasaun seksuál

Join our team! We’re hiring for three positions. If you have experience and are interested in working as a Chauffeur, Administrative Assistant, or Custodian, and are passionate about providing excellent customer service, we want to hear from you. Apply now! 

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